Bart Hufen

Bart Hufen is a serial gamification entrepreneur. He founded BrandNewGame (2009) and the Gamification Academy (2015). He develops serious games and gamification projects for companies like Vodafone, Foot Locker Europe and Air France KLM. He is an active blogger and wrote three books about gamification, of which ‘A Brand New Playground’ (200 pages) is available as a free download.

Improve Your Routine! A Loop to Take you from Player to Professional

Bart will talk about his game-inspired ‘progress-loop’ as a way for continuous improvement and business development. He has been using this framework for the past years to get work in the gamification industry and get from player to professional! He will also share with us a game he made called Power Play that enables people to play with their brand values or code of conduct. A similar game was launched at ING Insurances (NN Group) in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Power Play will be available to all attendees as a white-label version.
