Dominique Mangiatordi

Keywords: gamification, innovation

Dominique Mangiatordi

Dominique lives between Belgium and France, where he teaches Gamification and UX design at Brussels University and Liège University, and UX design at Aix-en-Provence Design School. He is also Chief Gamification Officer at Tapptic, one of the biggest mobile agencies in France and Belgium.

2017 Talk

Designing Cooperative Gamification – The Happyformance Case Study

It is essential for us not to be entirely driven by specific technologies. Designing experiences around a specific challenge that we wish to address should be more holistic and pragmatic. Gamification is a very useful tool for informing such design process. This talk will look at gamification as a hybrid approach, which emphasises on digital and physical contexts, game-inspired design thinking as a playful process for innovation and a look into the impact of connected and smart environments that could transform ordinary spaces into playful environments. This talk will specifically focus on educational experiences.

2017 Talk

Designing Cooperative Gamification – The Happyformance Case Study

It is essential for us not to be entirely driven by specific technologies. Designing experiences around a specific challenge that we wish to address should be more holistic and pragmatic. Gamification is a very useful tool for informing such design process. This talk will look at gamification as a hybrid approach, which emphasises on digital and physical contexts, game-inspired design thinking as a playful process for innovation and a look into the impact of connected and smart environments that could transform ordinary spaces into playful environments. This talk will specifically focus on educational experiences.
