Samantha Clarke
Samantha Clarke is a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Trained facilitator, researcher and Serious Games Designer at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, Coventry University. Her research interests are focused around the use of trans-disciplinary methodologies that assist with the design and development of user centered playful and gameful applications for education & businesses.
As a researcher and designer for several European H2020 & FP7 and national projects (Newton, HEFCE), her work has focused on developing and delivering pedagogical content via a range of digital and non-digital GBL applications for use in higher education.
Curiouser and Curiouser! Mystery Boxes and Intrinsic Motivation
This talk will explain how to develop intrinsic motivation using both epistemic and perceptual curiosity as motivational drivers. We will look at how curiosity plays a part in personal engagement, motivation and memory retention and how this can be fostered using mysterious package experiences combined with narrative, theatrics, puzzle solving and a whole host of interesting stimuli for the use of learning acquisition and behaviour change. Uncover several mysterious packages and play as you learn how this method was adapted into a University study to encourage deeper learning in a post-graduate class. The results are… curious!