Steve Bocska
Steve is founding president of Pug Pharm Productions, a technology & design leader in engagement, retention, and community activation. Steve has 17+ years of direct experience in the video game industry, having designed and produced several AAA games for Disney Interactive, Electronic Arts , Sega, and Ubisoft that have generated sales in excess of $650 million. In 2006, he was founding President of Hothead Games, CNMA's “Most Promising New Company of 2007.”
Getting the "Game" Back Into Gamification: A Veteran Video Game Designer's Perspective
Gamification hit the scene a decade ago amidst great hope, hype and promise of bringing a revolutionary new approach to compelling community engagement. But far too many projects have failed to deliver anything more than fleeting, short-term results. Video game industry veteran Steve Bocska draws on his extensive experience producing and designing AAA video games for Disney, Electronic Arts, Sega, and Ubisoft - games that tens of millions of people have paid their own money to play. He highlights the most common gamification misconceptions, mistakes, and breakdowns while offering a glimpse into a secret toolkit of proven mechanics and powerful new analytics.
Watch Steve's talk at GDC 2014