Vasilis Gkogkidis Gamification Europe 2018

Vasilis Gkogkidis

Vasilis is a doctoral researcher at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) at the University of Sussex where he researches Gamification, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Serious Games and how they can support Innovation Management. He is a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator working at GAMIFICATION+ where he helps organisations build their visions and strategies for the future and solve problems. He organises Gamification Europe, an annual conference bringing together the gamification industry and academia. He also teaches Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at the University of Brighton part time. 

Facilitator of Discussion Panel - The Present and Future of  Gamification Research 

In this discussion panel we will be discussing the present and future of Gamification related research. What has been covered until now and how much of it has the industry read? Is Gamification research connected to the industry and how can we facilitate more partnerships? Where should gamification research focus in the upcoming years? These are some of the questions our awesome panel of experts will try to answer.

Panellists: Marigo RaftopoulosZac Fitz - Walter,  Samantha Clarke
